

Company name: Pallas Athéné Könyvkiadó Kft.

Registered seat: H-1014 Budapest, Úri utca 21.

Phone: +36 (1) 445 49 61



Registering authority: Court of Company Registration of the Budapest Capital-Regional Court (H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 28.)

Company registration number: 01-09-303681

Tax number: 26133454-2-41

Hosting service provider of the website: Maxer Hosting Kft.

Postal address of hosting service provider: H-9024 Győr, Répce utca 24.

Email address of hosting service provider:

Geographical location of web server address: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22.

Data processing registration number: NAIH-139368/2018

BKIK (Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry) registration number: BU26133454